Greetings from Global Beer Network!!!
The holidays are upon us!!! Are you looking for a good holiday recipe? We thought we would share a recipe that was given to us by one of our brewers. His name is Kris and he is from Brewery Bavik. It is a light dessert called Sabayon and it will surely be a hit at your next holiday party!!!
8 egg yoks
8 Tbsp beer (Petrus Dubbel Bruin)
8 Tbsp sugar

-Beat the egg yolks with the beer in a double boiler pan
-While beating, add the sugar gradually, to prevent the egg yolks from burning.
-Keep on whisking on a very low heat until smooth.
-Serve in a glass (preferably a Petrus glass---you can get this glass at
-Enjoy it with a nice rich Petrus Dubbel Bruin.
If you have any good holiday recipes using our beers then please comment on this post and with your permission, we will post them on our website.
Global Beer Network
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